camp 2024

For the past 30 years Grace Bible Church has sent Junior High and High School students, counselors, and support staff for a week during the summer to Hume Lake Christian Camp. Our students join other students from churches all around the country for epic, high-energy, and life-changing programing. Through ultra famous recreation, live skits and plays, and impactful worship, Hume brings the Bible to life like you've never seen before. Camp is a unique life trajectory changing experience for our students to create community with their friends, leaders, and youth group as a whole. The best week of summer is coming and you don't want to miss out! 

JULY 21ST - 27TH

Limited Spots Available
Camp ages are based on grades for NEXT school year! 
5th - 6th Grade
(next school year)

Total Cost: $720

7th & 8th Grade
(next school year)

Total Cost: $920

9th - 12th Grade
(next school year)

Total Cost: $920


To secure your spot, you will need to pay the $150 non-refundable* deposit for each student you wish to register.

We don’t want finances to be the reason students can’t go to camp. Between Camperships, matching by GBC, and a very generous congregation, the cost of camp should never be a reason that a student shouldn't attend!

*Contact us if you need assistance with the initial deposit



Grace Bible Church
9am - 10am

Luggage Drop Off
Health Screening
Medication Check-In
Receive Bus Assignments

All of the luggage will be kept safe overnight and placed in the bus early Sunday morning. Your campers won’t have access to it until they arrive at camp, so anything they would like on the bus seat with them should come with them Sunday morning.

Travel PLANS

Travel from GBC to Hume
Arrive @ GBC at 8:30am
Leave GBC by 9am

Travel from Camp to GBC
Anticipate arrival @ GBC around 4pm

We will stop for lunch and a bathroom break in Hanford (250 S. 12th Ave, Hanford). Wagon Train campers will have their lunches purchased for them and chaperones will be with them while in Hanford.Meadow Ranch and Ponderosa campers should bring money for lunch.



It is very important to us that students understand the decision they are making, and that they have permission from their parent/guardian. If your student is interested in being baptized at Hume, please have them fill out our interest form. We will have a baptism class while at camp.

Packing list

Packing List (Wagon Train)
Packing List (Meadow Ranch + Ponderosa)

If your child is bringing prescribed medications, vitamins and supplements, these will be collected on Saturday during the luggage drop-off / health screening (see below). Hume considers any vitamin supplement, or over-the-counter therapy that is taken to treat a condition or maintain health to be a "medication". If your child is bringing medication or supplements, please send them in their original containers. Sending medication in anything other than the original container may result in the camper not receiving it.

Sending mail 

Send TEN days prior to desired delivery date.

Address your letter or package as follows:

[Camp (ie Wagon Train, Meadow Ranch or Ponderosa)] - July 21-27th
[Camper Name] - Grace Bible Church
64144 Hume Lake Road
Hume Lake, CA 93628


In the world today, we are constantly told to believe in ourselves, focus on ourselves, and to define truth and reality for ourselves. But we find that the Bible teaches the opposite, and that there is only One who is truly worth putting our trust and belief in.

This summer in Wagon Train, we will dive into the book of Matthew. Through the eyes of Matthew and his Western world, we will look closely at the person of Jesus; and like Jesus’ closest followers, we will be faced with one of the most important questions He asked them, “Who do you say that I am?”

Our theme “Who?” will challenge students to honestly answer the question, “Do you believe Jesus is who He says He is?”
Wagon Train is a closed camp. This is for the safety and enjoyment of every camper. We ask that family and friends not visit during the week. If necessary, parents may schedule a proper meeting with their child by contacting the Administration Office and making arrangements.

Hume cares about providing the highest level of healthcare to campers and staff. Check out this important info for everything you need to know about health and safety while at camp.

There is no cell reception at Hume Lake or pay phone at Wagon Train. There is only access to a phone for Church business and Emergencies. Campers are not allowed to make non-emergency calls during their week at camp.
The Trading Post supplies only crafts and snacks for purchase during freetime 2-5pm daily. It does not supply camper personal items. These are available in the General Store in Main Camp if forgotten.

Money for additional snacks and crafts may be added to the camper account through the registration page. All camp activities are included at no additional cost.
At Wagon Train, you can expect warm days and cool nights. Days are a bit warmer in July and August. Nights are a bit more chilly in June and late August. It rarely rains.

Each wagon has ten beds, and each bed has a personal shelf. There are four large areas underneath each wagon for luggage storage.
To get a good idea of what to expect for summer, Download the Wagon Train Camp Schedule.


Throughout the week at camp, we will be walking through parts of the book of Matthew, focused on the person of Jesus. If you haven’t read this book before, take some time before camp to read it. As you do, pray and ask the Lord to reveal the truth of His Word to you; maybe jot down some questions that come up and talk with your youth pastor, small group leader, or a mentor about them before you come to camp.  

Jesus is the central figure of the Bible and of all history which necessitates a response from all of us. This summer, we will be looking at the person of Jesus through the book of Matthew. As Jesus reveals who He is, He asks His disciples, “Who do you say that I am?” In the same way, all of humanity must answer the question, “Do you believe that Jesus is who He says He is?”

Our series of live skits performed in Meadow Ranch take place in a dystopian humanoid world, where we follow Maddix, a tax collecting bot, as he encounters an unusual bot named Elyon; and he must overcome his disbelief and pride to discover if this bot really is the Savior, the One worth giving up everything he has ever earned or cared about in life to follow. Our hope and purpose for these skits is to set up each message that the speaker will be sharing from the Book of Matthew about the person of Jesus.

Now when Jesus came into the district of Caesarea Philippi, He asked his disciples, “Who do people say that the Son of Man is?” And they said, “Some say John the Baptist, others say Elijah, and others Jeremiah or one of the prophets.” He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?” Simon Peter replied, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Matthew 16:13-16

Chrome Craze, Cyber Waves, and Neon Dayz
Hume cares about providing the highest level of healthcare to campers and staff. Check out this important info for everything you need to know about health and safety while at camp.
To get a good idea of what to expect for summer, Download the Meadow Ranch Camp Schedule.
To get a good idea of what to expect for summer, download the Ponderosa Camp Schedule.

hume health + sick camper policies

Hume's Health and Safety Policy
Hume cares about providing the highest level of healthcare to our campers and staff. Check out this important info for everything you need to know about health and safety while at camp.

**Also please note in the above document our Marijuana and CBD Policy, new for 2024.**
Hume's Sick Camper Policy
Campers who feel ill while at camp, and are brought to the health center by their youth leader, will be evaluated for a fever and other contagious symptoms. If a camper is found to have a fever in excess of 100.4 and have potentially contagious symptoms, they will be isolated at the health center until the fever is gone for 24 hours without any anti-fever medication in their system, and their symptoms are improved. If symptoms persist or temperature goes above 102, then arrangements will need to be made to have the camper picked up from camp by a parent or guardian in the shortest time frame possible. If the 24 hour isolation period would exceed the time remaining in camp, a parent or guardian will be responsible for the pick up of the camper in the shortest time frame possible.
Hume's Sick Camper Transportation
It is imperative that parents are aware of this policy and are ready to pick up their camper in the case where they become sick and potentially contagious. Hume does not recommend transporting sick campers home in the same bus or vehicle that is being used to transport healthy students. In the event of serious injury or a life-threatening emergency, Hume will assist with the transportation of campers, but we strongly urge all churches to have an additional vehicle on site for the medical transportation of campers in non-emergency situations or due to illness.

general camp information