Our church is here to come alongside you, your family, and your friends. Pastor Rick Hart oversees our Care Ministries and is here to help connect you to our church to learn about the various ways we can serve you.

Do you need prayer?

Our church is willing and eager to pray for you. If you’d like to request prayer, please submit a prayer request at

Do you need a visit?

Would you like a visit or do you know of someone who would appreciate a personal visit? If so, please contact the church office at (805) 489-4200 or email us at

Do you have a seasonal need?

Whether it’s emergency financial assistance, meals or groceries, transportation, a gas card, medical equipment loans, handyman tasks, a bereavement reception, flower arrangements for a friend, encouragement, or a visit, our Deacons Team might be able to help. For more information or to submit a benevolence request, call the church office at (805) 489-4200.

Do you need support or help to navigate the ups and downs of life?

We are here to help, we would love to connect with you. If you have a need, please call the church office at (805) 489-4200.

Get Involved

There are also many ways to get involved serving the needs of our community. If you would like to serve or have a question regarding any of the needs listed above, please contact the church office at (805) 489-4200 or email us at