grace bible church inspires men to be the men god has designed them to be!
Men Who:
These men are committed to be husbands in a covenant of marriage, fathers who provide biblical training to their children, and men who desire to be a good Christian witness in their work.
Watch a video of Chip Anderson sharing his testimony below with his wife Amber.
- Encourage other men to that "No Man Walks Alone"
- Have Jesus in the center of their life
- Seek to have God's word direct their steps
These men are committed to be husbands in a covenant of marriage, fathers who provide biblical training to their children, and men who desire to be a good Christian witness in their work.
Watch a video of Chip Anderson sharing his testimony below with his wife Amber.
Grace bible church offers the following ministries to men

iron sharpens iron
Iron Sharpens Iron Men's Ministry encourages and empowers men to be leaders as God has called us to be in both our families and our communities. ISI Central Coast is sponsored by Grace Bible Church AG, but is open to men of all denominations, including those just beginning their journey of seeking and following Christ.
We believe God intends that no man should walk alone. Our guiding principle is based on Proverbs 27:17 which states, "As Iron Sharpens Iron, so one man sharpens another."
ISI Thursday MorningS
Grace Bible Church hosts the ISI group on Thursday mornings from 6:30am-7:30am in the gym. Coffee and donuts served. If you have any questions, please contact Don Ricedorff at (805) 931-1516 or at
Grace Bible Church hosts the ISI group on Tuesday evenings from 6:00pm-7:00pm in the Student Center High School room. If you have any questions, please contact Greg Graber at (817) 915-9557 or at
Meets in San Luis Obispo every other Tuesday morning from 7:30am - 9:00am. This bible study uses Christ-centered exposition commentaries and is currently studying the book of Acts. This group provides accountability and intentionally seeks non and new believers in Christ to attend. This group has attendees from different churches on the central coast. Contact Ric at (805) 610-8610 or at
Bible Study Fellowship
Meets on Monday evenings at Grace Bible Church. Contact David Patty to join a group at (805) 704-1369 or You may also register online at
Mens one on one discipleship course
12 Week commitment. Contact Don Ricedorff at (805) 931-1516 or
33 Group
Meets Wednesday evenings from 6:30pm-8:00pm. Please contact Dan Thompson at (805) 235-0560 or for the meeting location.
Know someone who is struggling with alcohol or drugs?
If you, a family member, or someone you know is struggling with alcohol or drug addiction, we would love to be a resource for you. For a confidential conversation, please reach out to Chip Anderson by phone at (214) 783-3332, or by email at