Core Groups
Sunday Mornings | 10am-10:45
Students are invited to join us on Sunday mornings for discipleship groups! While the study material will be similar, Junior High and High School students will meet in separate locations. We will have snacks, fellowship, and hopefully great discussions.
These groups meet upstairs in the gym. The Junior High group will be in room 206 and the High School group will be in room 205!
Sunday Mornings | 10am-10:45
Students are invited to join us on Sunday mornings for discipleship groups! While the study material will be similar, Junior High and High School students will meet in separate locations. We will have snacks, fellowship, and hopefully great discussions.
These groups meet upstairs in the gym. The Junior High group will be in room 206 and the High School group will be in room 205!
On Wednesday nights, all 7th-12th grade students are invited to join us!
- We will have dinner available each week starting at 6:45pm (and hold some back to make sure the students showing up late after practice get some too)!
- Doors will open at 7pm for an amazing worship experience. We will then split into separate Junior High and High School programing (game, teaching, and small groups) for the remainder of the evening.
New to Grace Bible Church? We’re glad you’re here! And ... we can't wait to get to know you and your student! Please reach out if you have any questions!
If your student is visiting for the first time on a Sunday ... we would love for them to join us upstairs in the gym at 10am for our Core discipleship group. They are welcome to get a cup of tea/hot chocolate/coffee and come up and join us. The groups will end at 10:45am so that we can all attend the adult church service either together or with our families.
If your student is visiting for the first time on a Wednesday ... feel free to show up a little early so that we can meet you and them! You will want to park/drop off at the courtyard (next to the gym). Our dinner window opens at 6:45pm, and is located on the side of the gym. On Wednesday evenings all students check-in as they enter the Worship Center at 7pm. We encourage you to fill out our New Family Information Form prior to dropping your student off. Then they can simply enter either their phone number or yours as they enter! If you have not filled out the New Family Information Form, no worries! Your student will skip the line and talk with someone from our Student Ministries team (just outside of the Worship Center doors) ... providing emergency contact information. Following youth group someone from our Student Ministries team will reach out to both you and your student.
If your student is visiting for the first time on a Sunday ... we would love for them to join us upstairs in the gym at 10am for our Core discipleship group. They are welcome to get a cup of tea/hot chocolate/coffee and come up and join us. The groups will end at 10:45am so that we can all attend the adult church service either together or with our families.
If your student is visiting for the first time on a Wednesday ... feel free to show up a little early so that we can meet you and them! You will want to park/drop off at the courtyard (next to the gym). Our dinner window opens at 6:45pm, and is located on the side of the gym. On Wednesday evenings all students check-in as they enter the Worship Center at 7pm. We encourage you to fill out our New Family Information Form prior to dropping your student off. Then they can simply enter either their phone number or yours as they enter! If you have not filled out the New Family Information Form, no worries! Your student will skip the line and talk with someone from our Student Ministries team (just outside of the Worship Center doors) ... providing emergency contact information. Following youth group someone from our Student Ministries team will reach out to both you and your student.

What we are doing:
Grace Bible Church is hosting a Mega Sports Camp for local kids between 1st and 6th grade. High School students and/or adult leaders will be tribe leaders of up to 10 kids per tribe. Junior High School students will be assistant tribe leaders. The heart of Mega Sports Camp is to show kids the love and hope of Jesus by combining skills-oriented sports training with practical Biblical teaching. As a serve team member, you will be building relationships with these kids, training and encouraging them in the various sports activities, as well as empowering them with the Truth of the Gospel! Grace Bible Church’s expectation is that student leaders that are selected participate in spiritually formative conversations. This furthers Grace Bible Church’s desire for students to build and participate with intentional Christian community.
What is Mega Sports Camp?
MEGA Sports Camp invites kids to discover who Jesus has made them to be. The theme for 2025 is “In Your Element.” To be “in your element” means to thrive in your environment and excel in the strengths God has given you. Kids are in their element when they’re in a relationship with Jesus. Athletes are in their element when they are finding joy in their abilities, working hard to sharpen their skills, and growing into the best athlete they can be. To be in your element you must understand your purpose, practice your skills, find your position, and overcome pressure to reach your full potential. MEGA Sports Camp is designed for kids to engage with the science that supports sports, helping them understand what it takes to be a better athlete and to grow as a follower of Jesus. For more information about MEGA Sports Camp visit https://megasportscamp.com/.
Team selection process:
The team will consist of a combination of adult leaders and current junior high and high school students. The students must be currently in junior high or high school (during the 2024/25 school year). The mission of Grace Bible Church is to empower a movement of people to live and love like Jesus. It is our desire that the team consist of people who embody the mission and values of Grace Bible Church. Questions included in the Summer 2025 Student Ministry Short-Term Service Opportunities Application will assist us in measuring each team member’s readiness to serve. The team will be notified of selection by January 22nd, 2025.
Application Process
If interested in being a member of the MEGA Sports Camp Serve Team for 2025, the following must be submitted to the Student Ministry Administrative Assistant by January 15th, 2025.
Summer 2025 Student Ministry Short-Term Short Term Service Opportunities Application This application must be completed in full and submitted except for the Confidential Reference Form. The Reference Form is to be submitted by the person providing the reference directly to the Student Ministry Administrative Assistant.
Confidential Reference FormThe Confidential Reference Form is to be submitted by the person providing the reference directly to the Student Ministry Administrative Assistant.
If selected to be a member of the MEGA Sports Camp Serve Team, an expectations packet will be provided to you, which will be due by February 12th, 2025.
Summer 2025 Student Ministry Short-Term Short Term Service Opportunities Application This application must be completed in full and submitted except for the Confidential Reference Form. The Reference Form is to be submitted by the person providing the reference directly to the Student Ministry Administrative Assistant.
Confidential Reference FormThe Confidential Reference Form is to be submitted by the person providing the reference directly to the Student Ministry Administrative Assistant.
If selected to be a member of the MEGA Sports Camp Serve Team, an expectations packet will be provided to you, which will be due by February 12th, 2025.

What we are doing:
The mission of Grace Bible Church is to empower a movement of people to live and love like Jesus. On this service focused discipleship road trip, we will travel just outside of Bozeman Montana and partner with Yellowstone Alliance Adventures for the week. Between team building activities, fellowship opportunities, seminars hosted by camp staff, and work projects we will embody the mission of Grace Bible Church. After leaving the central coast on Saturday, June 28th we will begin the drive to Montana, stopping for the night in Salt Lake City. Our Goal is to arrive at the camp the evening of Sunday the 29th. Monday through Thursday will be spent at the camp engaging in team building and discipleship. Friday we will pack up to start the long drive home, with stops in Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks before a final overnight stay in Salt Lake City.
Our Ministry Partner:
Yellowstone Alliance Adventures, located just outside near Bozeman Montana, is a Christian camp and retreat center designed to be a place of hospitality where people gather for meaningful experiences and lasting connections. Their desire is to provide the highest quality of guest services in order to remove distractions and provide people with a place to encounter God and respond to His leading in their lives. They provide summer youth camps, winter camps and events, and year round retreats and rentals. For more information about Yellowstone Alliance Adventures visit their website at https://www.yaacamp.org.
Team selection process:
We will have a team of 30 people this year. The team will consist of a combination of adult leaders and high school students. The students must be currently in high school (during the 2024/25 school year). The mission of Grace Bible Church is to empower a movement of people to live and love like Jesus. It is our desire that the team consist of people who embody the mission and values of Grace Bible Church. Questions included in the Summer 2025 Student Ministry Short-Term Service Opportunities Application will assist us in measuring each team member’s readiness to serve. The team will be notified of selection by January 22nd, 2025.
The trip is anticipated to cost $1,000.00 (with payments made to Grace Bible Church). This cost covers travel, meals, lodging, and equipment / supplies needed to complete service opportunities. Once team selection is finalized, team members can either pay in full or make monthly payments. The first payment of $250 will be due in February, with subsequent payments of $250 due in March, April, and May. Team members should bring money (suggested $200 per person) for any additional purchases (i.e. snacks at gas stations during the road trip) and souvenirs.
Application Process
If interested in being a member of the MONTANA Students Serve Team for 2025, the following must be submitted to the Student Ministry Administrative Assistant by January 15th, 2025.
Summer 2025 Student Ministry Short-Term Service Opportunities Application This application must be completed in full and submitted except for the Confidential Reference Form. The Reference Form is to be submitted by the person providing the reference directly to the Student Ministry Administrative Assistant.
Confidential Reference Form The Confidential Reference Form is to be submitted by the person providing the reference directly to the Student Ministry Administrative Assistant.
If selected to be a member of the MONTANA Students Serve Team, a packet will be provided to you with health forms, medical waiver, etc, which will be due by February 12th, 2025.
Summer 2025 Student Ministry Short-Term Service Opportunities Application This application must be completed in full and submitted except for the Confidential Reference Form. The Reference Form is to be submitted by the person providing the reference directly to the Student Ministry Administrative Assistant.
Confidential Reference Form The Confidential Reference Form is to be submitted by the person providing the reference directly to the Student Ministry Administrative Assistant.
If selected to be a member of the MONTANA Students Serve Team, a packet will be provided to you with health forms, medical waiver, etc, which will be due by February 12th, 2025.

We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.
Hebrews 6:19 (NIV)
Anchored. The theme that GBC Students is using to look into the book of Hebrews. We will be going through the book, verse by verse, for the next 28 weeks. This is quite a daunting task, so in order to make it more manageable, we have subdivided it into 5 mini-series spread out over this entire school year.
The overarching theme of Hebrews is that all may pass away but those that remain steadfast (anchored) in the person of Jesus Christ will find hope and the ability to weather every storm. In the same way, a ship that is anchored in the deep will weather storms far better than a ship with no anchor, or an untrustworthy one.

Our first mini series uses the imagery of a dove to look at the Character of Jesus and his message of hope. Our hope is that students would see that the hope offered by Jesus is superior to any hope offered by the world or other forms of Christian religiosity (The Torah, angelic forces, etc.).
The second mini-series uses the image of a ship to describe the way in which Jesus guides and directs our paths. We are planning to look at the prominent leaders of the old testament and show how Jesus perfects each of them, just as is described in Hebrews. Our desire is that students would understand the goodness of the life offered by Jesus and see that his ways are better than ours.
Our third mini-series ties in the image of an anchor to show Jesus as the perfect high priest. The goal with this series is to show students an example of the ancient Israelite sacrificial system and show the way that Jesus redeems the role of high priest for us and takes away the burden of sacrifice through the perfect gift of himself.
Our mini-fourth series picks up with the image of a rose. Jesus was the perfect sacrifice for our sins, and it is foolishness to ignore the weight of that decision. This image of a rose is meant to invite students into seeing the beauty in the loss and the triumph in the resurrection of the living God!
Lastly, our fifth mini-series uses the image of a lighthouse to communicate that Jesus is a light in the storm. We will not shy away from the reality of Christian persecution, both historical and modern. We want our students to understand that there is a real darkness and that following Jesus makes you an enemy of this world. More than that however, our desire is that the students would see that Jesus is greater than any hardship we face and that there can be light even in the midst of the darkest night imaginable.
The second mini-series uses the image of a ship to describe the way in which Jesus guides and directs our paths. We are planning to look at the prominent leaders of the old testament and show how Jesus perfects each of them, just as is described in Hebrews. Our desire is that students would understand the goodness of the life offered by Jesus and see that his ways are better than ours.
Our third mini-series ties in the image of an anchor to show Jesus as the perfect high priest. The goal with this series is to show students an example of the ancient Israelite sacrificial system and show the way that Jesus redeems the role of high priest for us and takes away the burden of sacrifice through the perfect gift of himself.
Our mini-fourth series picks up with the image of a rose. Jesus was the perfect sacrifice for our sins, and it is foolishness to ignore the weight of that decision. This image of a rose is meant to invite students into seeing the beauty in the loss and the triumph in the resurrection of the living God!
Lastly, our fifth mini-series uses the image of a lighthouse to communicate that Jesus is a light in the storm. We will not shy away from the reality of Christian persecution, both historical and modern. We want our students to understand that there is a real darkness and that following Jesus makes you an enemy of this world. More than that however, our desire is that the students would see that Jesus is greater than any hardship we face and that there can be light even in the midst of the darkest night imaginable.
It’s just a phase…so don’t miss it!
Each phase of a kid’s life provides specific challenges and opportunities we want to engage together — to meet you and your kids right where you are. We want to make sure we’re asking the most significant questions for kids according to their age and stage, and challenge them to trust Jesus into their futures with all their heart, soul, and strength. We deeply want to help you win at home the rest of the week as well, providing simple and effective parenting cues on a consistent basis.

seventh grade
The phase when nothing you do is cool, what they feel right now matters most, and one suddenly social kid wants to know, “Who’s going?”
eighth grade
The phase when it’s cool to have choices, it’s not cool to answer questions, and one smart kid will remind you, “Yeah…I know.”
ninth grade
The phase when friendships shift, grades count, and interests change so often your teenager has to explain, “This is me now.”
tenth grade
The phase when everybody else can…nobody else has to…and your resolute teen will push you to answer, “Why not?”
eleventh grade
The phase when there’s less drama, more stress, and your very busy teenage answers all your questions with, “Just trust me.”
twelfth grade
The phase when your emerging adult pulls away, gets closer, does things for the last time, and you both start asking, “What’s next?”

We will step alongside you as you promote discovery so your 7th-8th graders will own their own faith and value a faith community. As a parent of a 7th-8th grader, your role is to affirm their personal journey. It’s just a phase…so don’t miss it!

We will step alongside you as you fuel your student’s passion so that they will keep pursuing authentic faith and discover a personal mission. As a parent of a high school student, your role is to mobilize their potential. Every phase is a timeframe in a kid’s life when you can leverage distinctive opportunities to influence their future. It’s just a phase…don’t miss it!