24-25 Fiscal Year


Grace Bible Church is closing in on our 150th birthday (2026). Of the many God honoring reasons we have been around this long, a generous people knowing God and making him known is at the top of the list. A long history of faithfulness has made it possible for us to make our mark in this world for the glory of God, and the exalting of Christ continues to motivate all of us.

Our specific desire in this season of ministry as a church is to empower a movement of people to live and love like Jesus. We do that as we REACH UP in worship, REACH IN to make disciples, REACH DOWN to capture the next generation for Christ, and REACH OUT in evangelism and compassion. This vision summarizes how we desire to live this next year and how we plan to spend the resources God gives us through your faithful generosity.

The budget that we are putting before you over the next few weeks, which we will affirm by vote on June 2nd, is the result of months of praying, wrestling and planning. Please review the proposed budget and connect with one of our Elders who will be in the courtyard following the services these next two Sundays. These are exciting days to be a part of the movement of Grace Bible Church and I am grateful for your commitment, generosity, and passion.

Looking forward to another year of living and loving like Jesus together!

Pastor Jason Whalen

Budget Questions? Reach Out!
